Yes, Capiophobia is a very real fear for some people, and it’s becoming more prevalent, especially in light of recent events highlighted by mainstream media. These events may be fuelling an already growing epidemic of fear-based mental health issues.
Have you come across images, videos, or social media posts that have heightened your fear, contributing to intense anxiety and low mood?
If so, here are some tips that might help:
Delete social media apps like Facebook and Instagram to reduce exposure to anxiety-inducing content.
Practice breathing techniques like the 7-11 method, which can help you relax and manage stress.
Limit your news intake by avoiding mainstream radio and TV broadcasts that may escalate your anxiety.
Reach out to your GP for professional support and guidance.
Contact your local police force to inquire about any information sessions or courses they might offer. Police departments often engage with the community, participating in events like Pride marches and working with people who identify as community leaders on such subjects as diversity and inclusion initiatives.
For a more in-depth look into Capiophobia, check out this blog:
Humour can be a great way to alleviate anxiety.
If age appropriate and deemed appropriate you could try watching the extremely funny (in my opinion) movie 'Hot Fuzz'
I want to watch it again now!